Sugarcane juice contains only about 15% total sugar content, which is in a raw or unrefined form. The rest of the juice comprises water; several minerals like calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, iron and zinc; vitamins - A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6, along with a high concentration of phytonutrients (including chlorophyll), antioxidants, proteins, soluble fiber and innumerable health supportive compounds.

Nutritional Value & Calories in Cane Juice
Amount: 1 oz
Weight: 28.35 g

Basic Components
Proteins 0.20 g
Water 0.19 g
Ash 0.66 g
Fat 0.09 g
Total Calories 111. 43
Calories From Fats 0.03
Total Carbohydrates 27.40 g
Sugar 25.71 g
Riboflavin 0.16 mg
Niacin 0.20 mg
Pantothenic Acid 0.09 mg
Calcium 32.57 mg
Iron 0.57 mg
Magnesium 2.49 mg
Phosphorus 0.01 mg
Potassium 162.86 mg
Copper 0.09 mg
Manganese 0.09 mg

Some of the properties of sugarcane which make it a ‘wonder-food’ are:
(the following 5 headings will be collapsed in the default condition, and can be expanded to show the paragraphs under them. This is done to make the page look short)

A. Low Glycemic Index

Sugarcane juice is safe, even for diabetics due to its low GI (Glycemic Index, or the effect a carbohydrate has on blood glucose levels). Sugarcane is extremely high in a unique mix of compounds called polyphenols. Polyphenols are a large class of phytonutrient compounds with powerful antioxidant properties and numerous health benefits. When consumed as a “whole package,” the polyphenols in sugarcane juice work in tandem with the vitamins, minerals, and other compounds to slow down the absorption of its sugar into the bloodstream, resulting in a low glycemic index which keeps the body's metabolism healthy, and helps maintain a healthy body weight. As against refined sugar which has a glycemic index of 64, sugarcane juice has a glycemic index which varies between 30 and 40.

Low GI foods release glucose slowly, keeping one's energy level balanced, and making one feel fuller in between meals. This helps people lose and manage their weight better, which reduces the risk of heart disease. They also increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin and help prevent diabetes, or manage it better.

B. High Alkaline Content

Due to its high concentration of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and manganese, the juice from raw sugarcane is alkaline in nature. Diseases such as cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment, which makes sugarcane juice very effective in fighting cancer, especially prostate and breast cancer.

C. High on Energy, High on Growth

The sugars in sugarcane juice can be digested quickly by the body to produce instant energy. Sugarcane juice can also hydrate the body and is especially effective in summer months. A review article published in a 2010 edition of the "Journal of Herbal Medicine and Toxicology" recommends liberal intake of sugarcane juice to replace proteins lost during certain febrile disorders such as fever.

D. Low on Calories

Compared to other fresh fruit juices, sugarcane juice has the least amount of calories, and consuming it is a healthy way to lose weight, without losing out on energy.

Calories per 100 g
  • Sugarcane juice: 36
  • Orange juice: 44
  • Pineapple juice: 52
  • Apple juice: 55
  • Grape juice: 55
  • Mango juice: 58

E. Excellent anti-oxidation properties Free radicals are atoms and molecules with unpaired electrons that are formed as a result of various oxygen-mediated metabolic processes in the body. The free radicals are responsible for a variety of diseases and conditions, such as cancer and aging, as they interact with important cellular components such as DNA and cell membranes, and destroy the cells.

Antioxidants are compounds that have the ability to neutralize these free radicals.

According to February 2008 edition of "Food Chemistry, sugarcane juice - in addition to containing vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotenoids - exhibits strong antioxidant properties that help prevent radiation-induced DNA damage and oxidative degradation of cellular lipids and fats - thereby protecting various organs in the body, such as the kidneys, heart, stomach, brain and sex organs.
Reach us @
Head office Address:
Shri Cane Fresh Beverages Pvt. Ltd,
Flat no. L 12, “Sampurna Apartments”,
No.10, Surveyor Street Basavanagudi ,
Bangalore- 560 004
Cell: +91-9379240248
email: shricanefresh@ymail.com
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